Orthodontics for your Health

One of the biggest myths about acupuncture is that “once you start, you have to go forever.” First of all, it is entirely up to you how long you choose to continue to get treatments. Of course, like any other healthy habit, the longer you maintain it, the better your quality of life. But just …

Vitality and Age Go to Battle

I spend a lot of time listening to people talk about their age.   When you work in a health related field, conversing about age is as common as conversing about the weather.   What is interesting is that age is often confused with vitality. What is the most common phrase I hear?  I feel so …


24 hours. One day. What if you only got one? What would you do with it? Who would you see? How would you act? Where would you go? Fortunately most of us get more than one day to live out our lives. But for too many of us there seems to be something wrong with …