Showing 29 Result(s)

How often can I receive Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is very gentle. You can receive acupuncture treatments daily. For chronic and long lasting conditions, more frequent visits increase effectiveness. At the beginning of treatment the practitioner will recommend coming once a week. However, if you are able, more times in a week will produce quicker results. Once you have achieved your goals with …

What is the significance of looking at my tongue?

This is another diagnostic method that Oriental Medicine uses to determine diagnosis. The practitioner will look at the tongue and use information such as the color and texture to confirm or disprove the hypothesis they have developed from the pulses and questions. The tongue is the only internal organ that can be viewed. This can …

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the placing of needles in specific spots on the body to affect Qi. Qi can be blocked in areas of the body and there can also be excessive amounts of Qi in other areas. The needles help the body to move Qi so that there is even distribution of Qi throughout the body.