Showing 29 Result(s)

What is Cupping?

Cupping therapy is used to mobilize blood flow to create healing. In Oriental medicine it is typically used to dispel stagnation in a particular area of the body. The practitioner takes a small rounded glass cup, wipes the inside of the glass with alcohol, and then lights the alcohol on fire. Once the flame is extinguished …

What are the educational & training standards for Acupuncture Physicians and how do they differ from Oriental Medical Practitioners?

Medical doctors are able to become licensed acupuncturists by taking 250 hours of classes on point location, meridians, and needle insertion. They are only licensed to perform acupuncture. They approach acupuncture from a point perspective: your Western medical diagnosis says you have diabetes and these particular points are good for diabetes. Oriental Medical Practitioners have …

Is Acupuncture safe for children?

Very! Acupuncture is about cultivating Qi. Acupuncture can restore balance and flow of Qi if any blockages are found without the use of heavy prescription medications. And the practitioner does not even need to use needles! Children are very responsive to acupressure, herbs, massage, and cupping, none of which are invasive. Acupuncture is a safe, …