Showing 29 Result(s)

What are the clinical applications of Chinese herbology?

Chinese herbal therapy includes five major clinical applications: Nutritional education is stressed to assist patients in choosing foods for the body’s nurishment and optimum health, as well as for treatment of disease. Foods have many similar properites to herbs. Teas and Soups are water-based herbal formulas traditionally prepared from raw or processed herbal ingredients. These …

What are the laws governing Acupuncture in Pennsylvania?

These are the Pennsylvania laws governing the use of acupuncture and oriental medicine. (Source) § 18.11. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: Acupuncture— (i)   The stimulation of certain points on or near the surface of the body by the insertion of needles to prevent …