Showing 24 Result(s)

A House Divided

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” –Abraham Lincoln Pain killer…Check. Anti-inflammatory…Check. Anti-anxiety…Check. Antidepressant…Check. And that’s just breakfast! For many, starting the day by downing a handful of pills has become the norm, a natural accompaniment to their eggs and toast. You take pills because you are taught to, and that’s what most people are …

Are You on a Slow Simmer?

There’s an old metaphor about a frog in boiling water. If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water, he will immediately jump out because of the sudden, drastic change in temperature. If, however, you put a frog in a pot of tepid water and slowly bring it to a boil, the temperature …


I Know What I Want and I Want It Now!

Just a small trip back to the early 90’s.  As silly as it seems, not much has changed.  Well, maybe the background music but definitely not the sentiment. We live in a society that wants everything now.  The faster, the better.  We want things yesterday, not in ten minutes.  This includes our food, our entertainment, …