Showing 17 Result(s)

Are you Living, or Just Alive?

Life is described as many things by different people, but one thing it can never be defined as is stagnant. Life is always changing, evolving, increasing, or decreasing in capacity. It is in a constant state of flux.  While you are sitting there seemingly doing nothing, your body is always on the job building and repairing tissue, creating new cells, growing hair …

Hungry Thoughts

Someone pointed out that I often say, “I shouldn’t be hungry!” Which, if you think about it, is a very ludicrous thing to say.   This statement points out that I believe that one day I will get to the point where I will no longer feel hunger or need to feed myself.   And …

Great Taste – and So Much More!

One of the best things you can do for your body is to feed it real, wholesome, nutritious foods. If you can find locally grown organic products, even better. The benefits of going organic include less pesticide contamination, higher nutrient content, no genetic modifications, no irradiation, more humane treatment of animals and respect for the …